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SELFCHECK - Female Chlamydia Test- 1 Test

SELFCHECK - Female Chlamydia Test- 1 Test

Regular price €31,50
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The benefit of carrying out a SELFCheck Female Chlamydia screening test in privacy ensures confidentiality as well as providing the necessary incentive to take further steps in terms of managing personal health and seeking an earlier consultation with a healthcare professional to facilitate earlier medical intervention should further action be needed.

Chlamydia infections are now one of the most commonly encountered sexually transmitted infections, particularly in females between the ages of 18-35.

Part of the cause of the huge increase is due to the fact that, unlike other STIs, the symptoms associated with Female Chlamydia are very difficult to detect. This also applies to male cohorts and, as a result, the spread of the disease has been dramatic. Once diagnosed, chlamydia infections can be easily treated with antibiotics. If left untreated, females can develop a range of complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), damage to the fallopian tubes which may inhibit or prevent conception in later life and, lastly, an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

The SELFCheck Female Chlamydia home screening test requires a swab from the lower vaginal area, which is then immersed in a solution to detect the presence or absence of chlamydia organisms. The test can be carried out in under 5 minutes and produces an easy to read visual result.

IMPORTANT: This test is not suitable for use if you are pregnant or during a period.

What does the test detect?
The test detects Chlamydia trachomatis infection.

What sample does the test require?
The SELFCheck Female Chlamydia test contains a vaginal swab.

What advice is given following a positive result?
Make an appointment to see your GP or visit a GUM clinic for treatment.

Can the test be used during pregnancy?
No. The test involves inserting a vaginal swab so it is not suitable for use during pregnancy.

Each kit contains:
One single test and full instructions for use.


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